Friday, February 8, 2013

Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Purple

Welcome to Friday! I personally rejoice in the end of each week, as it means we are one week closer to spring and eventually, summer. It's also time for more Five Sentence Fiction! This week's prompt is purple. If you'd like to learn more about Five Sentence Fiction, or give it a try yourself, just visit Lillie McFerrin Writes. Enjoy!

The room was almost perfect, all it needed was one last little touch. I pulled the deep, dark purple pillows from the shopping bag and placed one in each of the corners of the buttery suede sofa. The house looked exquisite, perfect for the open house tomorrow. 
I gathered my things and left the key under the doormat for the real estate agent, smiling as I got in the car. The real estate agent should have no problem selling the house quickly, and it would be years before anyone discovered the body under the floorboards.

There you have it! I hope you liked it, and if you did, please feel free to check out past editions by following the links below. Your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated in the comments section below. Have a great weekend!

Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Frozen
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Ringing
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Forgotten
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Inspire


  1. I love it when your 5 sentence stories have a thrilling twist at the end. In this one, you take us readers all the way from decorating to dead bodies. Other times, your stories have a powerful emotional twist.
    Thank you for thrilling and entertaining us each Friday!!


  2. "...and it would be years before anyone discovered the body under the floorboards."

    Unless, of course, it was Edgar Allen Poe's old house - then there'd be this rhythmic beating all the time.

    Very nice!

  3. The Telltale Heart is one of my favourite short stories. This is a contemporary twist on it! Well done!
    McGuffy's Reader

  4. Thank you all so much for your comments! You always make my day! :)

  5. Wow. I was well sucked in with the description of the buttery sofa and those gorgeous cushions! What a fabulous ending! x

  6. Awesome! It was so simple and normal until that last sentence. This would be a stellar opening to a book :)
