"There's no point in spending your life in the pursuit of something that's easy." - Alice Kuipers

Friday, November 8, 2013

Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Dancing

Welcome to Friday and this week's edition of Five Sentence Fiction. This week's prompt is dancing. If you'd like to learn more about Five Sentence Fiction, or give it a try yourself, just visit Lillie McFerrin Writes. Enjoy!

When he reached out his hand, she took it automatically. No words were spoken, never had been. The music said everything they couldn't, as did the strength of his arms around her, the bend of her head towards him.
Even now, when old age had shrunken them, their charisma on the dance floor was the same. Physical appearances may have changed, but their love never had. 

Yes, it's true. I've given you a healthy dose of mush this week, and I certainly hope you enjoyed it. If you did, pass it along and share it friends; perhaps even follow this blog and come find me on twitter @MelanieKCole. If you're still in the mood for more Five Sentence Fiction, just follow the links below. Have a great weekend!

Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Erased
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Determination
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Malice
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Enrapture


  1. So far, basically each of the responses I've read has really used Lillie's prompt to inspire their response endeavor this week, including myself. Each of us used the theme of dancing from the days of being a youth to the golden years. Wonderful mushy response, and welcome to this week's MUSH CLUB.

    Seek peek on my endeavor, I've used the acrostic format again, Waiting to hear your comment.

    1. Yep, I'm definitely a member of the mushy club this week! Can't wait to read yours!

  2. Aaahhh... I love a bit of mush! Really lovely.
