"There's no point in spending your life in the pursuit of something that's easy." - Alice Kuipers

Friday, March 8, 2013

Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Whisper

Welcome to Friday! It's time for another edition of Five Sentence Fiction, the weekly challenge to write a story in just five short sentences. This week's prompt is whisper. If you'd like to learn more about Five Sentence Fiction, or give it a try yourself, just visit Lillie McFerrin Writes. Enjoy!

It always seemed to be just a little too quiet, just a little too far away. No matter how she tried, it always caught her unawares, the soft whispered words sliding by her ear the second her attention wandered. 
She could never catch exactly what was said, but it always seemed important, as though it were something she needed to know. There was an urgency to the whisper she just couldn't place. 
If only she'd listened harder, she might have understood the warning before it was too late. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you've enjoyed my little story and it starts your weekend off right. If you'd like to read more Five Sentence Fiction, just follow the links below. As always, your comments are greatly enjoyed and appreciated in the comments section below. If you'd like to follow my blog, or come find me on twitter @MelanieKCole, that would certainly make my day. Have a great weekend!

Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Empty
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Abandoned
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Cherish
Five Sentence Fiction Friday - Purple


  1. Amazing!!! You have such a gift for this!! I can't believe how drawn in I get from just 5 sentences! Always leaves me wanting more!!

  2. Yes. Woe comes to those who do not heed that inner voice. Very nicely expressed!

  3. Smooth and enticing... I want to know where this goes!

  4. Another great story leaving one wanting to know more! Well done!

  5. Another fab piece Melanie; a warning to listen to those little voices, beautifully described. x

  6. This is one of those stories where you're not sure exactly what's going on, yet you understand the feeling the character is having, and it pulls you in.


  7. Very intriguing story. It really drew me in. Enjoyed reading.

  8. Great story! I've just posted my very first one - it's been nearly 15 years since I last wrote fiction x

    1. Good for you, getting back into it! It's become my favourite part of the week!

  9. Thank you everyone for your kind words! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and took time out of your day to let me know. Thank you!

  10. The importance of that inner voice...that whisper!
